Many Artists’ Colonies presented and the ICEAC launched

On February 24, 2022 the catalogue with the Exhibition De Onthulling, Die Enthüllung, The Unveiling ( 11.09.2021 – 19.06.2022) was published.Not only are many Artists’ Colonies in Europe shown with works by well-known representatives of them, one can also follow the research projects of the ICEAC in the with care composed vitrines. The International Centre for European Artists’ Colonies herewith presents itself as the scientific branch of euroart, the Federation of European Artists’ Colonies.

De Onthulling – Die Enthüllung – The Unveiling
Kennismaking met een collectie | Die Entdeckung einer Sammlung | Discovering a collection
Francisca van Vloten

De Factory, Domburg
ISBN | EAN: 978-90-823448-6-8
80 p., 2022

€ 14,-

The opening of the exhibition The Unveiling on September 11, 2021.

Chairman Museum Domburg Arnold van Houtum welcomes the guests.

Curator Museum Domburg and Director ICEAC Francisca van Vloten explains the exhibition.

Euroart Secretary-General Pierre Bedouelle opens the exhibition.